
Finals are near

Gunbir Baveja

April 16, 2023

2 min read


So a bunch of e/accs have been floating acrossing my twitter and it's been fun to see.

The 'impending' doom cascaded down by the yudkowsky followers has become kind of annoying. And before you put me on the spectrum-- I'm equally annoyed by the e/accs.

Transitioning from the idea that AGI is worth achieving that will 'cure' humanity is certainly not falsifiable, but many experienced cynics would categorize proponants of such ideas as the new 'crypto/nft/web3' guys. I'm not sure how I feel about these two different ideas having such social eccentricity correlation.


Geometric Deep learning is so DAMN cool. Like it's quite weird how these topics can be understood easily once you get CNNs.


On a side note, I do also want to acknowledge that most terms used in AI are so exaggerated in terms of how BIG they try to sound while just being an insignificant (and intuitive) change in some prior conceptual formula.

Is it just me or did the old school naming conventions (naming based on functionality) seem ~1-2x better than the new Considerably Obnoxious Oblonged Lengthy fuckin' abbreviations.

Fuck that.

Cool things I dug up- https://openai.com/research/reptile https://github.com/sreejank/language_and_programs https://yu-dylan.github.io/files/handouts/orchard/orchard-recursion.pdf

Things I'm thinking/working on-

  • mini-batch gradient descent improvement?
  • semantic grep
  • vector databases
~ Prioritize yourself.--------